NEWS 2024.03 - Berlin Reko
The 69ers!
Rekowagen is a term coined in the GDR for two-axle tram vehicles rebuilt, i.e. reconstructed, at the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Berlin-Schöneweide, which were supplied in various designs from 1959 to 1975 to the Berlin transport companies in the eastern part of Berlin (BVG-Ost) and to other transport companies in the GDR.

© Halling Modelle
Due to the chassis-less design with simple suspension, the driving characteristics were legendary and the steps in the interior between the platform and the passenger compartment were often quite obstructive for changing passengers. But the Rekos are "Our Tram" for an entire generation and deserve a place on the podium for this reason alone.
At the Berlin terminus at Wasserwerk and in Altglienicke, it was still necessary to change trains due to the lack of a turning loop. For this reason, bi-directional Reko coaches were built in 1969 with the designation TZ 69 and BZ 69, which remained in service until 1996.
The Rekos have been produced by HALLING Modelle for almost as long and the sidecars for the cream-colored bidirectional railcars, which were previously out of stock, are currently being assembled. Who wants another one, who hasn't got one yet? Who knows when we will get around to reissuing the Berlin bidirectional recos?