Model trams
Leopold HALLING, originally a small toolmaking business in Vienna, developed a keen skill for model making and over decades became the largest manufacturer of model trams in the world. Today, in addition to the impressive range of trams, the company also offers the finest models of underground trains, suburban trains and regional and local railways .
Railway models and accessories
FERRO-TRAIN, originally known as a producer of filigree brass models, has developed steadily. Despite the most modern materials and technology, the traditional handicraft has remained in the production of small series models. In addition to the popular and wide-ranging assortment of rack railway models, the fine, small equipment details for dioramas and layouts round off the portfolio .
HALLING drive technology
The drive systems from HALLING Modelle are becoming more and more popular! In addition to the moderate price, the long service life and the constant availability, it is above all the very wide range of different wheelbases and the possibility of selecting several track gauges and wheel types, that makes HALLING drives the first choice when motorising models .
© Halling Modelle
New cbmodels®
With the new edition of the combined white and colored glass collection containers, cbmodels® is once again bringing recycling to the plant. The glass recycling containers are the ideal addition to the existing cbmodels® waste containers and are available in the familiar quality in different versions. Each plastic model is painted in prototypical multi-color, printed on two or four sides in multi-color and is also refined with etched nickel silver hooks.