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2021-06-04 13:53:38
News 2021.05 - Model Train Speed
Realistic speed for your models!
The new model speed meter from HALLING Modelle is small and wireless and allows precise measurements, whether on your own tracks, in the club, or at exhibitions.
© HALLING Modelle
While Fränzchen usually asks how fast the train can go, Franz asks how slowly it goes!
When operating a system, it is important to coordinate the speed of the models with one another. When setting up the CV after digitization, it is possible to set a prototypical V-max (maximum permissible speed).
The new model speed meter from HALLING Modelle is small and wireless and allows precise measurements, whether on your own tracks, in the club, or at exhibitions. Select the scale of the model, the MTS will directly convert the measured speed into “real” km/h.
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