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2023-09-04 09:47:55
News 2023.09 - Flexity Berlin
The Flexity Berlin is back!
When we announced a small series of the Berlin Flexity models in May last year, we were somewhat surprised by the popularity of the models. The models created by completing the overproduction were sold out within days, which also caused some resentment. All the more reason for us to present the first models of the new edition 2023!
© Halling Modelle
The current new edition includes four new car numbers of the popular five-car Flexity Berlin! Car numbers 4003 and 4017 are now ready and will (presumably) also be available for purchase for a little more than a few days. The next two car numbers 4027 and 4034 will be finished in the next few weeks and announced separately!
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© Halling Modelle
Last Chance to See
As a small series manufacturer, we are in the fortunate position of being able to present you with numerous new products every year. The downside is that the models are often sold out very quickly. With a new section in the webshop, we want to give you the opportunity to purchase a coveted model before it's too late!
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The 69ers!
Rekowagen is a term coined in the GDR for two-axle tram vehicles rebuilt, i.e. reconstructed, at the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Berlin-Schöneweide, which were supplied in various designs from 1959 to 1975 to the Berlin transport companies in the eastern part of Berlin (BVG-Ost) and to other transport companies in the GDR.
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With humor and Berlin Schnauze!
As already promised, the Flexity Berlin 3027 and 3034 are also available! As a special surprise and also as an expression of our love for the Berlin model, all Flexity models can now be decorated in an exemplary manner. There is a choice of five of the now legendary BVG slogans from the current "Because we love you" campaign.
more News 2023.09 - Flexity Berlin
© Halling Modelle
The museum railcar 109 as a model for the first time!
The Czech Republic is a Central European country with graceful castles, local beers and a long history. The capital Prague is home to the magnificent 9th century Prague Castle, a well-preserved medieval Old Town and the statue-lined Charles Bridge.
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© HALLING Modelle
The Aussie is back!
The Adelaide Tramway had a very extensive tram network in the past, of which a 15-kilometre line is still operated today from the inner city of the Australian city of Adelaide to the coastal suburb of Glenelg, called the Glenelg Tram after its destination. It runs every 15 minutes and is part of the Adelaide Metro public transport system.
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Alstom celebrates its 1000th tram!
And we are celebrating with them! Since 1990, Alstom Austria, which took over Bombardier Transport in 2021, has been manufacturing modern trams in Vienna for global customers from Austria to Australia. The 1000th set is a Flexity Wien for Wiener Linien and will be in daily service for the Viennese these days with unmistakable lettering.
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