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2023-10-10 11:38:45

News 2023.10 - Lorries

Over 15 new lorry models!

The Lorenbahn, also called Feldbahn or Rollbahn, is a narrow-gauge railway, usually not open to the public, of the simplest design for transporting agricultural, forestry (Waldbahn) and other raw materials such as clay, peat (Moorbahn), stone and sand. These picturesque railways also once played an important role in the processing industry. Thus, light railways were often found associated with fireclay factories, brickworks or sugar factories.




For their construction and operation, largely standard construction elements are used, which can be selected from extensive catalogues of the relevant manufacturers, such as pre-assembled track grids and points, but also locomotives and wagons. The material is often transported by means of open trolleys. The max. speed is usually not more than 10 km/h.

The gauges of a light railway are between 400 and 1000 mm. In the model, mainly H0e and more rarely H0f have prevailed. The H0e lorries presented today come from the highly creative and extremely industrious DeskTop Locomotive Works®, where they are offered as kits. HALLING Modelle produces finely printed finished models with fine metal platforms on this basis. Further trolley models are in preparation both at HALLING and DeskTop Locomotive Works. Exciting times are coming!

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